
Insect identification services for AES members

A photograph of a bumblebee, but what species is it?

Most of us know this is a bumblebee, but what species is it?

The AES tries to help its members to identify insects they have found. This can be achieved via the Advisory Panel.

Advisory panel

AES council members specialise in different insect groups and are prepared to advise members within their speciality. They will try to identify small numbers of British specimens where indicated. Large collections should be taken to a museum for identification against collections held by the museum.

Please note the following points:

Specimens for identification can be sent to our normal postal address. Please remember that this is a service for members only, non-members should use this identification service.

Postal address

The Amateur Entomologists' Society,
PO Box 8774,

Before sending your specimens please contact us and well will advise you on how best to send your specimens for identification.

New advisers on appropriate subjects are always welcomed.